Spicentice Goan Prawn Curry

Spicentice Goan Prawn Curry

Another delicious meal from www.spicentice.com, accompanied by 50g brown rice and No Count garlic flatbread ( lovingnocount.com/no-count-garlic-flatbread/ ).

When you purchase these spices, each pack comes with a list of ingredients and a recipe to follow.  You could only make this dish with the pack of spices so I’ve just listed the ingredients I used below as I did alter them slightly to make this just 1 point on NC.  If following WW Freestyle, the prawn dish would be 1 point but you would need to point the rice and any bread you served it with.

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • Spicentice Goan Prawn Curry spice pack
  • 450g king prawns
  • 2 onions
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 inch piece of ginger
  • 200ml tinned tomatoes
  • 200ml coconut milk (I used the Alpro coconut milk drink.  I doubled the amount needed and didn’t add any water.)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (I halved the amount given in the recipe)

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